Monday, August 16, 2010

English III Syllabus

English III
K. Alley
2011-2012 First Nine Weeks Syllabus

Classroom Expectations and Supplies:
Each student will need a folder that is used only for English. It should have pockets for handouts and graded work and center brads filled with paper. You are responsible for keeping all graded papers until the end of the grading period in case of disputes. Please come to class with paper and pen every day. You will also need a composition book for your daily bellwork. Bellwork will be the first thing you do upon entering the room. This will consist of ACT and grammar practice. Bellwork will be checked periodically for a participation grade.

Textbooks and Workbooks:
Every student will be issued a Writer’s Choice grammar book. We will use a class set of Elements of Literature, but you will be given a Holt Reader. The Holt Reader is yours to write in and keep. If you lose it, you will need to pay $5 to replace it. It is your responsibility to bring the appropriate materials to class each day.

This class is a survey of American literature from colonial times through the present day. We will read a variety of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. In addition, we will place a strong focus on essay writing. Every eleventh grade student will take the TCAP writing assessment in spring. Therefore we will work on the writing process and building strong persuasive essays.

Week one
-Intro to class, go over syllabus and expectations
-Getting acquainted game, short creative writing exercise
-Summer reading (The Hunger Games) discussion and test
-Literary terms pre-test

Week two
-Intro to essay format
-Personal goals essay (prewriting, rough draft, guided peer editing, final draft)

Week three
-Intro to the Puritans, background info/context
-Native American lit: Origin stories (Coyote Finishes His Work)
-Puritan poetry and inversion: “Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our House”

Week Four
-Begin reading Arthur Miller’s The Crucible (American drama)
-define lit terms: allegory, exposition, rising action
-independent research: McCarthyism

Week Five
-Continue reading The Crucible
-Complete Act one
-Characterization foldables

Week Six
-Read Act two of The Crucible
-Analyzing plot graphic organizers
-Written analysis

Week seven
-Complete The Crucible
-Watch the film adaptation
-Compare and contrast essay

Week eight
-Decoding persuasive writing prompts
-practice writing intro and thesis for a variety of prompts
-Choose one and write a persuasive essay

Week nine
-Nine weeks test review

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